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Petty Girls Series I

Petty Girls I - Boxcover

George Brown Petty IV (27 April 1894 – 21 July 1975) was an American pin-up artist. His pin-up art appeared primarily in Esquire and Fawcett Publications's True but was also in calendars marketed by Esquire, True and Ridgid Tool Company. Petty's Esquire gatefolds originated and popularized the magazine device of centerfold spreads. Reproductions of his work were widely rendered by military artists as nose art decorating warplanes during the Second World War, including the Memphis Belle, known as "Petty Girls".

Z1 - Marjorie


Date: 10/1996
Color: Black Matte

Z2 - Ballet Shoes

Ballet Shoes

Date: 03/1997
Color: Polished Chrome

Z3 - Bunny


Date: 01/1997
Color: Brushed Chrome

Z4 - Memphis Bell

Memphis Bell

Date: 01/1997
Color: Polished Brass

Z5 - Red


Date: 02/1997
Color: Brushed Chrome

Z6 - Heart


Date: 01/1997
Color: Brushed Chrome