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Elvgren Collection

Gilette (Gil) Elvgren (March 15, 1914-February 29, 1980), born Gilette Elvgren, was an American painter of pin-up girls, advertising and illustration. Elvgren lived in various locations, and was active from the 1930s to 1970s. Today he is best known for his pin-up paintings for Brown & Bigelow. Elvgren studied at the American Academy of Art.
Elvgren was a commercial success. His clients ranged from Brown and Bigelow and Coca-Cola to General Electric and Sealy Mattress Company. In addition, during the 1940s and 1950s he illustrated stories for a host of magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post and Good Housekeeping.
Although best known for his pin-ups, his work for Coca-Cola and others depicted typical Americans — ordinary people doing everyday things.

Wayward Wind

Wayward Wind 1950

Date: 06/1991
Color: Polished Chrome

Fit to Kill

Fit to Kill 1965

Date: 01/1991
Color: Polished Chrome

Riding High

Riding High 1958

Date: 03/1991
Color: Polished Chrome

Something New

Something New 1957

Date: 01/1991
Color: Polished Chrome

Hard to Handle

Hard to Handle 1957

Date: 07/1991
Color: Polished Chrome

Life of the Party

Life of the Party 1952

Date: 01/1991
Color: Polished Chrome