In this section I present the biggest part of my Zippo-collection: The Hard Rock Cafes.
Since then I visited more than 20 cafes worldwide and even though it's closed since 2000 like the most canadian Hard Rock Cafes I think Edmonton was one of the best.
Many Hard Rock Cafe Zippos I got were souvenirs from friends or bought at ebay, but I try to visit every Hard Rock Cafe I'm near at.
Right now I visited the following Hard Rock Cafes: Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Vancouver, Whistler, Toronto, Toronto Skydome, Montreal, Kanata, Niagara Falls Canada, Niagara Falls U.S.A., Berlin, London, Chicago, Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta, Baltimore, Atlantic City, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Amsterdam, Paris, Munich, Hamburg, Colgne. By now 28 cafes.
At this place I want to thank Beat Bodenmann who allowed me to use his very big collection of pictures of various Hard Rock Cafes worldwide which are also presented on his own site - unfortunately that site didn't get any updates since 2010. You can (and should) visit his site here, it's outdatet but still interesting: Let's hope Beat's well and he only isn't interested in Hardrock Cafe anymore.
I sorted the Hard Rock Cafes by continents to keep a better track of them. More informations about Hard Rock Cafe and their history you can find on Wikipedia.
These Zippos are not licensed by Hard Rock Cafe or Zippo. They were produced in Jugoslavia or later Iraq as "memorabila" for the soldiers that were in service in these countries.
Because they are themed with Hard Rock Cafe I put them in this category anyways.